This one of the celebration celebrated by the Melanau community between mid-March and early April, Kaul is meant to appease the spirits of the sea at the start of the fishing season. These days, most Melanau are Muslim or Christian but the ancient Kaul festival has an enthusiastic following among both. Among the rituals is the launching of miniature wooden boats containing offerings for the sea spirits. The river mouths are closed and boats are not allowed to put out to sea for several days.

The origins of Kaul dated back to the centuries when the Melanau were animists. As mentioned earlier on, most of them now are Catholics or Muslims and often adherents of the two religions in the same family live in the same house. However, they still celebrate Kaul with gusto. The old animist religion may not be practiced these days but the legends continues. The festival is celebrated on different days in the many Melanau settlements along the coast.

The Tibou, a dangerous 20-foot high swing, is one of the main attractions during the Kaul Festival. Here youngsters dive from a high bamboo scaffolding and catch a swinging liana rope as it reaches the height of its arc. First one, then two and eventually eight young men hanging in a clump from the giant swing as it soars above the beach. Kaul has more to offer other than giant swings. It's a colourful festival with a flotilla of highly decorated boats, beach games and lots of delicious Melanau food. Traditionally, during the monsoon, the river mouths were closed. Villages would be palei or taboo for days before Kaul. No one was allowed to leave or enter, and people underwent purification ceremonies during Kaul.

At the start of Kaul, the gracefully decorated fishing boats move down river carrying the "seraheng", a flat round basket raised on a bamboo pole. It is placed on a riverbank while the Bapa Kaul or leader of the ceremony invokes the spirits and pours water over the offerings. In the olden days, the sick and unable would gather by the seraheng so that the water poured on the offerings would fall on them and wash away all evil. In this new era, the ceremony is of social rather than religious significance.

Games on the beach, displays of Melanau martial arts, dancing and eating will be held after the ceremony. The festivities do not end with sunset, they just move to the Melanau houses built on rivers and streams where there are cultural performances and non stop feasting. Visitors to Kaul will definitely find Melanau cuisine exquisite throughout Sarawak. The versatile sago has become their staple food. Guests palates are surprised at the many delicious ways sago can be prepared and with the addition of seafood, visitors will surely enjoy the appetising variety of delicious treats.