From muddy mangroves to misty mountain ranges, Malaysia's diverse tropical landscape teems with hundreds of resident bird species. The country's location on the Australasian cross-migratory paths also makes it a host to 120 or so migratory birds. All in all with over 600 species to be seen in Peninsula Malaysia and about 580 species in Malaysian Borneo (East Malaysia), Malaysia has emerged as a bird watching haven.

Well over half of Malaysia's land mass is covered in rainforest environments or at least plantations. With the diversity of habitats, there are many places having abundant bird life to choose from. As the various bird watching and nature sites around the country are easily accessible, it is easy to understand why bird lovers are drawn to Malaysia.


Many birds are common to both Peninsula and East Malaysia but some species, known as endemics, are unique to a certain location, such as the Malayan Whistling Thrush in the Peninsula. On Borneo there are over 30 endemics including the Borneo Blue Flycatcher and Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker in Sabah.

The Malaysian rainforests can be generally divided into three distinctive habitat types - coastal mangroves, lowland rainforests and montane or mountain forests.

Swampy mangrove forest ecosystems where salt and freshwater environs meet on the coastline fringe are home to birds such as the Common Kingfisher. Lowland rainforests, including freshwater swamp, peat and hill dipterocarp forests, remain the most extensive habitat for over 200 bird species and are crucial to Storm's Stork and Green Imperial Pigeon.

Mountain forests generally occur above an elevation of 900 metres, where species such as the Mountain Peacock Pheasant and Mountain Blackeye thrive in the cool damp climates and stunted trees of these high altitude regions.

While each habitat provides an excellent concentrated birding experience, in Malaysia it is not difficult to visit several sites in different ecological zones to enjoy the variation in birdlife.


With the increase in nature and environmental awareness, more and more sites have been identified where birds can be observed and there are also bird sanctuaries designated around the country.

For the serious enthusiast, a comprehensive itinerary spanning the Peninsula (West) and East Malaysia could include: Kuala Selangor, Fraser's Hill, Taman Negara, Bako National Park, Kinabalu Park and Danum Valley.

For beginners or those who are limited to around Kuala Lumpur, there are several excellent bird watching sites within a few hours drive from the city. One new area that has made a name for itself in birding watching circles is Putrajaya Wetlands, a human enhanced wetland environment that has begun to attract both birds and bird watchers, less than an hour south of Kuala Lumpur. For a pleasant day trip, check out the Kuala Selangor Nature Park, a mangrove swamp along the west coast that supports 130 bird species and some seasonal migrants including the rare Spoonbilled Sandpiper. Fraser's Hill and Cameron Highlands both offer lush green hill surroundings with panoramic views and hiking trails where bird life abounds.

Those with more time may want to travel further inland into Malaysia's premier national park, Taman Negara, where dense ancient lowland forests are home to over 300 bird species. Another popular site is Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary on the Perak coast, where endangered Milky Storks congregate.

Over in East Malaysia, the Kota Kinabalu City Bird Sanctuary, a feeding ground for many species of resident birds and several migratory species from Northern Asia is easily accessible from the capital of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu. Kinabalu Park, a World Heritage Site with its own endemics such as the Kinabalu Warbler, is just two hours away from the city. Many good birding sites can be found in Sarawak, such as Gunung Mulu National Park. Sarawak endemics can be found, such as Hose's Broadbill in the Kelabit Highlands.


Malaysia's tropical climate allows bird-watching to be a year round activity. Take note of the rainy season when planning excursions and bring along rain gear or a poncho. Although these days somewhat unpredictable, in the west coast of Peninsula Malaysia, rain usually falls heaviest from September to December. There is a distinct monsoon in the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia from December to February, while the rainy season occurs a bit earlier in the year in East Malaysia.

Migratory birds use Malaysia's west coast flyway to travel to Sumatra and beyond with peak movements in April and October.

As with all wildlife, all possible care and respect is to be given to the birds and their habitats. It is illegal not only to shoot or capture any bird in a gazetted bird sanctuary, but even to harass or disturb them. Trafficking in protected species is also prohibited under the Protection of Wild Life Act 1972 in Peninsula Malaysia, with separate acts enforced in Sabah and Sarawak (in East Malaysia). Entry permits from the Forestry Department of the various states may be needed at some bird sanctuaries. Bird watchers are advised to check with their guides or tour agent.

  • Read or find out as much as you can about both the site and the bird species likely to be found in it before hand.
  • A pair of binoculars helps to locate and identify distant and high flying birds.
  • Most birds are active in the morning and late afternoon when the temperature is cooler. Consult your guide book as to the best times to spot a particular species.
  • Many birds have regular feeding habits and patterns. A good place to watch for shorebirds is at mudflats during low tide.
  • When photographing birds, use long range lenses and flash equipment as there may not be sufficient sunlight.
  • Bukit Larut (Maxwell Hill) in Perak (Mountain forest)
  • Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary in Perak (Mangrove forest)
  • Kuala Selangor Nature Park in Selangor (Mangrove forest)
  • Cameron Highlands in Pahang (Mountain forest)
  • Genting Highlands in Pahang (Mountain forest)
  • Taman Negara in Pahang (Lowland rainforest)
  • Fraser's Hill in Pahang (Mountain forest)
  • Kinabalu Park in Sabah (Mountain forest)
  • Kota Belud Bird Sanctuary in Sabah (Lowland rainforest)
  • Danum Valley in Sabah (Lowland rainforest)
  • Bako National Park in Sarawak (Lowland rainforest)
  • Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak (Mangrove rainforest)