The Malaysian government has introduced a program that encourages foreign citizens, from any country recognized by Malaysia, to come and live or spend extended periods here. It is targeted at retirees and people who want to spend longer periods here than would normally be permitted with a visitor's visa.

Currently, the government has decided not to permit foreigners married to Malaysian to apply for the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) visa.


The Malaysia My Second Home programme offers several benefits:

Longer Stay Visa

Approved applicants receive a Social Visa Pass for ten years with a multiple re-entry visa. The visa is issued for the validity of the passport so if the passport expires in less than ten years the initial visa duration will be shorter. An extension will be given when the applicant obtains a new passport. Visa holder are not permitted to work in Malaysia although they can invest in local companies. The visa is renewable at the end of ten years.

Property Purchase

Foreigners living here under this MM2H programme are allowed to purchase up to two residential properties costing over RM250,000 each without getting approval from the Foreign investments Committee (FIC). State approval is still required for house purchases. In sarawak the minimum price is RM350,000. It should be noted that it is possible to buy property without joining the MM2H programme and it is not a condition of the programme that you buy property.

Tax Free Car

MM2H Visa holders are permitted to import a car from their previous country of residence or their native country free of any taxes. Alternatively, they may buy a locally manufactured or locally assembled car tax free in Malaysia. The application to import a tax free vehicle must be done within six months from the date the visa is issued. If you want to buy a car in Malaysia you have 12 months to get approval and make the purchase.

Personal Taxes

Malaysia does not tax income from overseas and also does not impose any inheritage taxes.



This programme is open to all categories of citizens with no age limitation. Applicants are allowed to bring with them dependants aged under 18. Dependents above 18 years old who are working will have to apply separately for a MM2H or other visa. Application for a maid has to submit after the approval of MM2H Programme.


Foreigners under this programme will not be allowed to take up any form of employment in the country. Visa holders are allowed to invest in Malaysia and even own a company here but they must not be involved in the day-to-day running of the business.

Financial Qualifications

Applicants over fifty are required to place a deposit of RM150,000 on fixed deposit with a bank in Malaysia. This requirement may be waived if they have a monthly pension of over RM10,000 or equivalent from a foreign government or a major corporation. Applicants under fifty are required to place a fixed deposit of RM300,000 in a bank in Malaysia. Those who own a property in Malaysia worth RM1 million or above are only required to place the RM60,000 fixed deposit.

All applicants must show they have sufficient income to support themselves while they are in Malaysia. After one year all but RM60,000 of the fixed deposit can be withdrawn to buy a house, pay for children's education in Malaysia or to cover medical expenses.

Medical Examination And Insurance Coverage

All applicants are required to have a medical examination in Malaysia. Applicants must posses valid medical insurance applicable in Malaysia. The latter requirement is usually waived for a person who is denied coverage because of their age.


The initial application should be made to the Malaysia My second Home Centre in the Ministry of Tourism offices in Kuala Lumpur. After approval, which takes about three months, a "conditional approval" letter is issued and the applicant then has up to six months to complete any remaining conditions and requirements, and have the visa chopped in their passport. The final stamping of the visa will be made at the immigration offices in Putrajaya. The government has approved various agents to assist with the MM2H visa application. Find out more info in the Directory.

Visa Fees

A payment of RM90 per year is charged for the issuance of a social visa pass. Multiple Entry Visa fee may also be charged to citizens of non-Commonwealth countries. Some countries have to pay additional visa fees such as the "Journey Performed" fee. The Terms & Conditions for this programme have been changed several times since it was first launched and this information is current at the time of going online.

Remarks: The requirements may be changed from time to time by the government of Malaysia. Please refer to the Immigration of Malaysia website for the latest updates.